share a vision

美 [ʃer ə ˈvɪʒn]英 [ʃeə(r) ə ˈvɪʒn]
  • 有共同愿景
share a visionshare a vision
  1. We know you share a vision of a united world-a vision of a global shift of consciousness into Oneness with us .


  2. Terry Gou , founder and chief executive of Foxconn , said the two companies " share a vision for driving sustainability . "


  3. We are working with our Earth allies and with those who share a similar vision .


  4. Managers in low maturity organizations rarely share a common vision about the fundamental responsibilities of management .


  5. We share a common vision : in the21st century , people all over the world could join hands to make this planet a better place to live .


  6. In that scenario , the two individuals need to make time to stay on the same page and share a common vision and roadmap for the product .


  7. The Kerala government 's new organic farming policies also share a long-term vision of a future free from food contaminated by toxic pesticides and fertilizers .
